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Meet Our Staff

About the Director

Photo of Dr. Rachel RodriguezDr. Rachel Rodriguez 她于2021年获得路易斯维尔大学修辞学和写作博士学位, 她在缅因大学获得英语硕士学位,并获得英语和西班牙语学士学位 from McDaniel College. 她带着管理经验来到海洋之神590网址 路易斯维尔大学和切萨皮克学院的写作中心. Her research 兴趣包括写作中心,作文教学法,翻译,语言 difference, and basic writing. She has taught composition, basic writing, rhetoric, literature, business writing, and SAT test prep.


About the Peer Writing Consultants

Grace是英语专业的大四学生,辅修戏剧、JEP和CMS. She is one of the 《8590海洋之神官网》的新闻联合编辑,英语系的公关实习生, a tour guide, and a poetry screener for Cherry Tree. In her free time she is a member 瓦卡佩拉和学生会,她曾担任美国残疾人协会主席! After 海洋之神590网址,格蕾丝将进入研究生院学习调查和 Broadcasting Journalism. 
乔斯林是一名大二学生,主修生物/兽医预科,辅修化学和商业. 除了在写作中心担任导师,乔斯林还是一名化学课程导师. 当她不在教室的时候,乔斯林和她的朋友们出去探索城镇! She loves trying new things and meeting new people! After WAC, Jocelyn plans on attending a graduate school to become a large animal veterinarian. 
Jaya是一名大二学生,主修英语和戏剧双学位,辅修创意 Writing. 他们很高兴能在写作中心帮助完成各种各样的作业! They enjoy poetry, gothic fiction, and magical realism. After college, they hope to 编剧和导演的戏剧,但也涉及服装,表演,声音 design, and stage management.

赖利(她/她)是一名大三学生,主修英语,辅修沟通和 Media Studies and Journalism, Editing, and Publishing. This is her second year working 在写作中心工作,她喜欢与各种各样的学生见面,并为他们工作 writing assignments with them. She is the lifestyle editor for The Elm, the social 作家联盟的媒体协调员,电影俱乐部的主席,还有参议员 the SGA. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢读书,和她一起看节目和电影 friends.

Maddie is a junior majoring in Communication & Media Studies, with minors in Psychology and Hispanic Studies. 在写作中心之外,她是乔治将军的生意 wacapella的总裁兼宣传经理,也是泰勒·斯威夫特的忠实听众. 她有两条狗,很乐意在段落之间给你讲讲它们.

索菲主修英语,辅修创意写作、新闻、编辑、 & Publishing, hoping to work her way to a career in publishing. Though mostly familiar 凭借创造性写作和文学分析,她很乐意从事任何工作 subject at all with you. 当她不在写作中心的时候,你可能会发现她服用过量 long walk around campus or eating a bagel in Wilmer Park. 

Quinn (he/him) is a sophomore and an English major. He is very excited for his first year in the Writing Center! In addition to studying English, Quinn is interested in creative writing and studio art. Some of his favorite pastimes are doodling and going on walks. He also enjoys reading, especially fantasy and graphic novels.

Grace是一名大三学生,主修英语,辅修性别研究、创意写作、 and journalism, editing, and publishing. She has experience writing in many genres, 包括文学分析、新闻学、创造性非小说类等等. Grace works 担任《8590海洋之神官网评论》的副主编以及《8590海洋之神官网评论》的文案编辑 The Elm. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢阅读,写作,钩针编织,和做所有 kinds of crafty, creative things.

Faith是海洋之神590网址大三学生,主修传播与媒体研究. 除此之外,她还辅修了新闻,编辑,出版和 Creative Writing. 在校园里,你可以找到费思为吉布森做引座员 或者WAC的报纸《8590海洋之神官网》的学生生活编辑.

Evan 默克(他/他)是生物学和环境科学专业的大三学生,辅修 chemistry. 虽然他对实验论文有很多经验,但他非常兴奋 to work with anyone on any kind of writing project! When not in the writing center 在实验室里,他最好和他的猫伊戈尔在一起,或者看愚蠢的青少年电视节目.

米兰达·帕里什(Miranda Parrish)是一名大三学生,主修政治学和传播学双学位. 当她不上课或在体育比赛中拍照时,她是学生会的 社团主席,黑人学生会成员,酷爱鸭子. She 很高兴能继续她作为写作中心导师的工作. Post graduation, she 她想继续深造,希望成为美国总统 one day. 

Courtney is a junior at Washington College. She is majoring in English and minoring in Secondary Education and Theater. She hopes to one day become a Secondary Education English teacher. She loves reading and writing, and has a passion for helping people. Though Courtney is most familiar with writing for 在人文学科方面,她很乐意与来自不同学科的学生合作. In her free time, Courtney loves watching movies and TV shows. She is also a member of the swim team here at WAC! 

阿尼萨是写作中心的前台服务员之一. She is in the class 主修商务管理和英语,辅修传播学 传媒研究及教育研究(中等教育认证). 阿尼萨喜欢帮助别人,不管他们是需要找人聊天还是只是单纯的一个人 to listen. 在空闲时间,她喜欢看动作/冒险电影和购物.

德莱尼是英语专业的大四学生,辅修教育研究、创意写作、 and JEP. 除了学术,她还是泽塔Tau Alpha的主席, 《8590海洋之神官网》的文案编辑,《海洋之神590网址》的主编. She is thrilled 最终成为一名写作中心的导师,和WAC的同学们一起写作!

海莉是写作中心的前台服务员之一. She is in the class of 2024, majoring in Biology and minoring in Public Health. On campus, she is the President of the Black Student Union. She is also a peer mentor and a George's General. 在学校之外,她有一只叫Rei的燕尾服猫,她非常珍惜它.  

露西是英语专业的大三学生,辅修创意写作、新闻、编辑、 & Publishing. 除了写作中心,她还在米勒图书馆工作 tours of the Rose O’Neill Literary House, is Prose Editor for Collegian, and is Managing Editor for Washington College Review. 当她不在学校工作时,可以在作家联盟和电影公司找到她 Club meetings. 她的一些兴趣包括泰勒·斯威夫特、恶魔岛和BBC的1995 Pride and Prejudice.