Academic Requirements

Requirements for the Peace and Conflict Studies Minor

The minor is composed of six courses focusing on peace and conflict, as well as either an experiential learning component or a senior capstone project. Students minoring in the program should meet with the program advisor, Dr. Andrew Oros, prior to the second semester of their sophomore year to develop a coherent course of study.


Students are required to take POL 201 Theories of Peace and Conflict and five courses from the three categories listed below:

a) Two courses on the philosophical approaches and practical applications of peace and peace processes. Courses in this category include religious approaches to our conceptions of peace and those focusing on the resolution of conflict and peacebuilding. Students are required to take either POL 373, POL 374, or POL 386 and any additional course in this category which includes:

  • PHL 111. Introduction to Comparative Religion: Western
  • PHL 112. Introduction to Comparative Religion: Eastern
  • PHL 225. Ethical Theory
  • PHL 235. Foundations of Morality
  • PHL 335. Philosophy of Law
  • PHL 416. Philosophy of Buddhism
  • POL 373 Human Rights and Social Justice
  • POL 374. International Law and Organization
  • POL 386. Comparative Peace Processes

b) One area studies course exploring contemporary conflict. Courses in this category include:

  • HIS 360. Twentieth Century Germany
  • HIS 371. History of South Africa
  • HIS 381. History of Modern China
  • HIS 383. History of Modern Japan
  • HIS 392. Russia and the Soviet Union
  • POL 347. Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy
  • POL 348 Latin American Politics
  • POL 351. Politics, Religion and Ethnicity in South Asia
  • POL 356. Africa in the World
  • POL 348. Latin American Politics
  • POL 382. US-Latin American Relations
  • POL 384. International Relations of the Indo-Pacific 
  • POL 388. US Foreign Policy in the Middle East

c)Two courses on the structural causes of violence and conflict, including inequality, poverty, racism, repression, and demographic stresses. Students are required to take either POL 341, POL 342, POL 371, or POL 389 and any additional course in this category which includes:

  • ANT 320. Race and Ethnicity
  • ECN 218. Economic Development
  • PHL 226. Global Ethics
  • PHL 303: Environmental Ethics
  • POL 341. Politics of Development
  • POL 342. Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements
  • POL 371. International Politics
  • POL 389. Gender and Conflict
  • SOC 221. Social Inequalities
  • SOC 240. Criminology

Note: No more than two courses taken at abroad institutions apply to the minor. 任何 courses taken abroad for the minor must be approved by the program minor director.

未成年人 are also required to complete either an experiential learning exercise or a Senior Capstone Experience. For the Experiential Learning option, students are required to participate in a semester-long applied learning experience in the field of conflict resolution. Such activities include the Model UN course, internship, or volunteer activity. Alternatively, minors may complete a senior capstone experience in their respective major discipline on a topic related to peace and conflict studies. 未成年人 should seek the approval of program advisor prior to either endeavor.